How to Host a Virtual Career Fair in 6 Easy Steps: Step 6

Illustration - How to host a virtual career fair

Congratulations, your Virtual Career Fair is now complete! But before you sit back and relax, there is one thing left for you to do.

Step 6: Follow up on your virtual career fair

The period immediately following your event is a critical window to gather as much meaningful feedback as possible. Accessing this feedback will allow you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the event. You should never assume that your event went flawlessly for each and every person involved. Gathering user feedback is not only an important part of improving your future events, but it shows users that you care about their experience.

You should aim to send a survey to each attendee and exhibitor who attended the event. Ensure that each survey is tailored to each participant’s role (attendee or exhibitor) as this will alter their user experience. Thus, create one survey for the attendees and another for the exhibitors.

When crafting the attendee survey, consider asking the following questions:

  • Rate your experience being on-boarded onto the platform
  • Rate your experience using the platform
  • Rate your experience talking to exhibitors
  • How many employers received your resume during the Career Fair?
  • Did you find the platform easy to use?
  • What improvements should be made to better your experience?
  • Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

When crafting the exhibitor survey, consider asking the following questions:

  • Rate your experience being on-boarded onto the platform
  • Rate your experience using the platform
  • Rate your experience talking to attendees
  • How many people did you hire from this Career Fair?
  • Did you find the platform easy to use?
  • What improvements should be made to better your experience?
  • Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

Try to send out the surveys to both groups within 30 minutes of the event finishing. This way, their experience will still be fresh in their minds. As well, if you are interested in offering participants an incentive to complete the survey, consider including a draw to win a $50 gift card.

Once you have completed this final – but crucial – step, your Virtual Career Fair will officially be over. Thank you for following along over these past six weeks and we hope that your event was a success!

Ready to run your own virtual career fair? Take advantage of Hellohire’s free trial today.